When your Neato robot cleans on a registered floorplan, it will avoid the places that you defined as No-Go Zones. But what should your robot do if it does not recognise the floorplan?
Why does the robot not recognise the floorplan?
When your robot is creating a floorplan, it saves where the charge base and larger objects, like furniture, are located. If one of those is moved, your robot may not recognise the registered floorplan.
Then you can either create a new floorplan or move the charge base/objects back to where they were before.
How should the robot react when it doesn't recognise the floorplan
What would you like your robot to do when it cannot recognise the space? You can choose between two modes:
- Clean always - your robot starts/continues to clean (the robot maps the place as an unknown floor, and will probably create a new map)
- Cancel the clean - your robot stops the clean and returns to its charge base
To change your preference, visit the MyNeato app:
- On the MyNeato app, tap on the robot icon (bottom, first icon on the right).
- Click on your connected robot.
- Open 'Robot Preferences'
- Choose between;
- Clean always
(Selecting this would force your robot to clean the entire space and ignore any specific zone cleaning) - Cancel the clean
(This is ideal for you if you clean and set up routines using zones)
- Clean always
- Save.
If the issue persists, please click on the blue Chat icon for assistance or visit our Customer Care contact page for more options.